Reflection – getting info about type during execution.
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using System.Reflection; |
#1 Need instance and info about type, before getting type
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SportsCar viper = new SportsCar("Viper",240,40); Type t = viper.GetType(); Console.WriteLine("Type of viper is: "+t); Console.ReadLine(); |
#2 Need info about type before getting type
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SportsCar viper = new SportsCar("Viper",240,40); Type t = typeof(SportsCar); |
#3 in current assembly with string param
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//in current assembly Type t = Type.GetType("CarLibrary.SportsCar",false,true); |
#4 in external assembly GAC
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//in external assembly GAC Type t = Type.GetType("CarLibrary.SportsCar,CarLibrary"); |
#5 for generic types
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Type t = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1", false, true); Console.WriteLine(t); Console.ReadLine(); |
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Type t = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2", false, true); Console.WriteLine(t); Console.ReadLine(); |
Reflection of methods, fields, properties,
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Reflection; namespace ReflectionExample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***Welcome to MyTypeViewer"); string typeName = ""; do { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter a type name to evaluate"); Console.WriteLine("Or Enter Q to quit"); typeName = Console.ReadLine(); if (typeName == "Q") { break; } try { Type t = Type.GetType(typeName); Console.WriteLine(""); ListVariousStats(t); ListFieldsLinq(t); ListPropertiesLinq(t); ListMethodsLinqOnlyNames(t); ListInterfacesLinq(t); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, can't find type"); } } while (true); } //--- reflection of methods with paramInfo static void ListMethods(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListMethods***"); MethodInfo[] mi = t.GetMethods(); foreach (MethodInfo m in mi) //Console.WriteLine("->{0}", m.Name); { string retVal = m.ReturnType.FullName; string paramInfo = "("; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in m.GetParameters()) { paramInfo += string.Format("{0} {1}",pi.ParameterType,pi.Name); } paramInfo += ")"; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", retVal,m.Name, paramInfo); } Console.WriteLine(); } static void ListMethodsLinq(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListMethods***"); MethodInfo[] mi = t.GetMethods(); // << for what? var subset = from n in t.GetMethods() select n; foreach (var name in subset) Console.WriteLine("->{0}", name); Console.WriteLine(); } static void ListMethodsLinqOnlyNames(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListMethods***"); var subset = from n in t.GetMethods() select n.Name; foreach (var name in subset) Console.WriteLine("->{0}",name); Console.WriteLine(); } //--- reflection of fields static void ListFieldsLinq(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListFields***"); var subset = from f in t.GetFields() select f.Name; foreach (var name in subset) Console.WriteLine("->{0}", name); Console.WriteLine(); } //--- reflection of properties static void ListPropertiesLinq(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListProperties***"); var subset = from p in t.GetProperties() select p.Name; foreach (var name in subset) Console.WriteLine("->{0}", name); Console.WriteLine(); } //--- reflection of interfaces static void ListInterfacesLinq(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***ListInterfaces***"); var subset = from i in t.GetInterfaces() select i; // foreach (var name in subset) Console.WriteLine("->{0}", name); foreach (var i in subset) Console.WriteLine("->", (i as Type).Name); Console.WriteLine(); } static void ListVariousStats(Type t) { Console.WriteLine("***Various stats***"); Console.WriteLine("Base class is: {0}",t.BaseType); Console.WriteLine("Is type abstract?: {0}", t.IsAbstract); Console.WriteLine("Is sealed: {0}", t.IsSealed); Console.WriteLine("Is generic: {0}", t.IsGenericTypeDefinition); Console.WriteLine("Is type a class type: {0}", t.IsClass); Console.WriteLine(); } } } |