Здесь будет код из проекта и идеи алгоритма по шагам. Вот какой будет результат в конце.
Оттолкнувшись от него, можно будет сделать в своем проекте аналогичное выкладывание плиток
ШАГ 0 – рисуем на бумаге
ШАГ 1 – Сколько картинок влезет в горизонталь?
1 |
maxN_X := Math.Floor(canvasWidth / (elementWidth + leftDist + rightDist)); |
leftDist и rightDist это отступы слева и справа
Шаг 2 – раскладываем плитки
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procedure TCatalog.PositionElements; var x: Integer; y: Integer; maxN_X: Integer; leftDist: Integer; rightDist: Integer; canvasWidth: Integer; elementWidth: Integer; k: Integer; i: Integer; canvasHeight: integer; elementHeight: integer; topDist: integer; bottomDist: integer; maxN_Y: Integer; j: Integer; nRows: Integer; indexFirstElLastRow: Int64; countElLastRow: Integer; canvasMiddle: Int64; lastRowElementsMiddle: Int64; shiftRightDist: Int64; begin if FOL.Count = 0 then exit; // Self.Height := 10; pGrid.Height := 10; // pGrid.Left := trunc(Self.Width / 2 - pGrid.Width / 2); pGrid.Top := 10; //trunc(Self.Height / 2 - pGrid.Height / 2); leftDist := 10; rightDist := 10; topDist := 10; bottomDist := 10; // canvasWidth := pGrid.Width; canvasHeight := pGrid.Height; elementWidth := FOL[0].Width; // elementHeight := FOL[0].Height; // How much elements will be on Canvas Width maxN_X := Math.Floor(canvasWidth / (elementWidth + leftDist + rightDist)); maxN_Y := Math.Floor(canvasHeight / (elementHeight + topDist + bottomDist)); // i := 0; j := 0; // k := 0; y := topDist; nRows := 0; repeat if i = maxN_X - 1 + 1 then // nextRow begin inc(nRows); i := 0; y := y + elementHeight + topDist; end; x := trunc(((canvasWidth / (maxN_X * 2) + (i / maxN_X) * canvasWidth) - (elementWidth / 2))); FOL[k].Left := x; FOL[k].Top := y; if (y + elementHeight + topDist > canvasHeight) then begin canvasHeight := canvasHeight + elementHeight + topDist; Self.Height := Self.Height + elementHeight + topDist; pGrid.Height := pGrid.Height + elementHeight + topDist; end; inc(k); inc(i); until k = FOL.Count; //---------LAST ROW ELEMENTS - PUT IN THE MIDDLE // last Row Check and center - in last Row mayBe not maxN_X elements, so we shoud check them // firstElement in last Row indexFirstElLastRow := trunc(FOL.Count / (maxN_X)) * maxN_X; if indexFirstElLastRow < 0 then indexFirstElLastRow := 0; countElLastRow := FOL.Count - indexFirstElLastRow; if (countElLastRow > 0) and (countElLastRow < maxN_X) then // shift last row elements to right begin // -- count shift to right canvasMiddle := trunc(canvasWidth / 2); lastRowElementsMiddle := trunc(((FOL[FOL.Count - 1].Left + FOL[FOL.Count - 1].Width) - (FOL[0].Left)) / 2); shiftRightDist := canvasMiddle - lastRowElementsMiddle; // k := indexFirstElLastRow; repeat FOL[k].Left := FOL[k].Left + shiftRightDist - leftDist - rightDist; inc(k) until k >= FOL.Count; end; //---------------------------- // Self.Height := Self.Height + 5 * topDist; pGrid.Height := pGrid.Height + 5 * topDist; // resize external container if Assigned(FOnResizeExternalContainer) then // send event to external container FOnResizeExternalContainer(Self.Height); end; |
Плитки находятся в контейнере FOL:TObjectList<>
Поверхность, на которую они выкладываются это pGrid, который находится на TUniFrame
Полный код 2-х юнитов, чтобы более детально разобраться и понять
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unit uCatalog; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIFrame, uCommon, uCatalogElement, System.Generics.Collections, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniPanel; type TCatalog = class(TUniFrame) pGrid: TUniPanel; pCatalog: TUniPanel; procedure UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure UniFrameDestroy(Sender: TObject); private FBrowserWidth: Integer; FBrowserHeight: Integer; FOL: TObjectList<TCatalogElement>; FNameCount: integer; FSelfTop: integer; FOnResizeExternalContainer: TOnResizeExternalContainer; procedure resizeView(aBrowserWidth: integer); procedure setView(aView: TView); procedure SetOL(const Value: TObjectList<TCatalogElement>); procedure SetSelfTop(const Value: integer); procedure SetOnResizeExternalContainer(const Value: TOnResizeExternalContainer); { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure OnBrowserResize(aWidth, aHeight, aOldWidth, aOldHeight: integer); procedure OnAfterRender(aWidth, aHeight: integer); procedure PositionElements; property OL: TObjectList<TCatalogElement> read FOL write SetOL; property SelfTop: integer read FSelfTop write SetSelfTop; property OnResizeExternalContainer: TOnResizeExternalContainer read FOnResizeExternalContainer write SetOnResizeExternalContainer; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses Math; procedure TCatalog.OnAfterRender(aWidth, aHeight: integer); begin FBrowserWidth := aWidth; FBrowserHeight := aHeight; // resizeView(FBrowserWidth); end; procedure TCatalog.OnBrowserResize(aWidth, aHeight, aOldWidth, aOldHeight: integer); begin FBrowserWidth := aWidth; FBrowserHeight := aHeight; resizeView(FBrowserWidth); end; procedure TCatalog.PositionElements; var x: Integer; y: Integer; maxN_X: Integer; leftDist: Integer; rightDist: Integer; canvasWidth: Integer; elementWidth: Integer; k: Integer; i: Integer; canvasHeight: integer; elementHeight: integer; topDist: integer; bottomDist: integer; maxN_Y: Integer; j: Integer; nRows: Integer; indexFirstElLastRow: Int64; countElLastRow: Integer; canvasMiddle: Int64; lastRowElementsMiddle: Int64; shiftRightDist: Int64; begin if FOL.Count = 0 then exit; // Self.Height := 10; pGrid.Height := 10; // pGrid.Left := trunc(Self.Width / 2 - pGrid.Width / 2); pGrid.Top := 10; //trunc(Self.Height / 2 - pGrid.Height / 2); leftDist := 10; rightDist := 10; topDist := 10; bottomDist := 10; // canvasWidth := pGrid.Width; canvasHeight := pGrid.Height; elementWidth := FOL[0].Width; // elementHeight := FOL[0].Height; // How much elements will be on Canvas Width maxN_X := Math.Floor(canvasWidth / (elementWidth + leftDist + rightDist)); maxN_Y := Math.Floor(canvasHeight / (elementHeight + topDist + bottomDist)); // i := 0; j := 0; // k := 0; y := topDist; nRows := 0; repeat if i = maxN_X - 1 + 1 then // nextRow begin inc(nRows); i := 0; y := y + elementHeight + topDist; end; x := trunc(((canvasWidth / (maxN_X * 2) + (i / maxN_X) * canvasWidth) - (elementWidth / 2))); FOL[k].Left := x; FOL[k].Top := y; if (y + elementHeight + topDist > canvasHeight) then begin canvasHeight := canvasHeight + elementHeight + topDist; Self.Height := Self.Height + elementHeight + topDist; pGrid.Height := pGrid.Height + elementHeight + topDist; end; inc(k); inc(i); until k = FOL.Count; //---------LAST ROW ELEMENTS - PUT IN THE MIDDLE // last Row Check and center - in last Row mayBe not maxN_X elements, so we shoud check them // firstElement in last Row indexFirstElLastRow := trunc(FOL.Count / (maxN_X)) * maxN_X; if indexFirstElLastRow < 0 then indexFirstElLastRow := 0; countElLastRow := FOL.Count - indexFirstElLastRow; if (countElLastRow > 0) and (countElLastRow < maxN_X) then // shift last row elements to right begin // -- count shift to right canvasMiddle := trunc(canvasWidth / 2); lastRowElementsMiddle := trunc(((FOL[FOL.Count - 1].Left + FOL[FOL.Count - 1].Width) - (FOL[0].Left)) / 2); shiftRightDist := canvasMiddle - lastRowElementsMiddle; // k := indexFirstElLastRow; repeat FOL[k].Left := FOL[k].Left + shiftRightDist - leftDist - rightDist; inc(k) until k >= FOL.Count; end; //---------------------------- // Self.Height := Self.Height + 5 * topDist; pGrid.Height := pGrid.Height + 5 * topDist; // resize external container if Assigned(FOnResizeExternalContainer) then // send event to external container FOnResizeExternalContainer(Self.Height); end; procedure TCatalog.resizeView(aBrowserWidth: integer); begin // Self.Top := 400; Self.Width := aBrowserWidth - 20; pGrid.Width := aBrowserWidth - 30; // // pGrid.Left := 10; // pGrid.Top := 10; if aBrowserWidth > rightWidthBorder then begin setView(bigView); end else if (aBrowserWidth > leftWidthBorder) and (aBrowserWidth <= rightWidthBorder) then begin setView(middleView); end else if aBrowserWidth < leftWidthBorder then begin setView(smallView); end; end; procedure TCatalog.SetOL(const Value: TObjectList<TCatalogElement>); begin FOL := Value; end; procedure TCatalog.SetOnResizeExternalContainer(const Value: TOnResizeExternalContainer); begin FOnResizeExternalContainer := Value; end; procedure TCatalog.SetSelfTop(const Value: integer); begin FSelfTop := Value; end; procedure TCatalog.setView(aView: TView); var i: Integer; begin if aView = smallView then begin for i := 0 to FOl.Count - 1 do begin FOL[i].Width := 300; FOL[i].Top := 100; FOL[i].PositionElements; end; PositionElements; end; if aView = middleView then begin for i := 0 to FOl.Count - 1 do begin FOL[i].Width := 200; FOL[i].Top := 50; FOL[i].PositionElements; end; PositionElements; end; if aView = bigView then begin for i := 0 to FOl.Count - 1 do begin FOL[i].Width := 200; FOL[i].Top := 50; FOL[i].PositionElements; end; PositionElements; end; end; procedure TCatalog.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure addCatalogElement(aName, aDescription: string); var i: integer; begin i := FOL.Add(TCatalogElement.Create(Self)); FOL[i].Parent := pGrid; FOL[i].Name := FOL[i].Name + FNameCount.ToString; inc(FNameCount); FOL[i].lName.Caption := aName; FOL[i].lDescription.Caption := aDescription; end; var i: Integer; k: integer; begin // FNameCount := 0; FOL := TObjectList<TCatalogElement>.Create(true); for i := 0 to 9 do addCatalogElement('Швейные машины', 'Описание'); end; procedure TCatalog.UniFrameDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FOL.Free; end; end. |
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unit uCatalogElement; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIFrame, uniLabel, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniImage, uniPanel; type TCatalogElement = class(TUniFrame) pCenter: TUniPanel; pBottom: TUniPanel; lName: TUniLabel; lDescription: TUniLabel; iPicture: TUniImage; procedure UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure PositionElements; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TCatalogElement.PositionElements; begin pCenter.Left := trunc(Self.Width / 2 - pCenter.Width / 2); pCenter.Top := trunc(Self.Height / 2 - pCenter.Height / 2); // iPicture.Align := alClient; // lName.Left := trunc(pBottom.Width / 2 - lName.Width / 2); lDescription.Left := trunc(pBottom.Width / 2 - lDescription.Width / 2); end; procedure TCatalogElement.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); begin PositionElements(); end; end. |