Проверка “а один ли экземпляр запущен ?”. Работает в мультипользовательском режиме, в отличие от “обычного” мьютекса.
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//Creates a mutex to see if the program is already running. function IsSingleInstance(MutexName: string; KeepMutex: boolean = true): boolean; const MUTEX_GLOBAL = 'Global\'; //Prefix to explicitly create the object in the global or session namespace. I.e. both client app (local user) and service (system account) var MutexHandel: THandle; SecurityDesc: TSecurityDescriptor; SecurityAttr: TSecurityAttributes; ErrCode: integer; begin // By default (lpMutexAttributes =nil) created mutexes are accessible only by // the user running the process. We need our mutexes to be accessible to all // users, so that the mutex detection can work across user sessions. // I.e. both the current user account and the System (Service) account. // To do this we use a security descriptor with a null DACL. InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@SecurityDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@SecurityDesc, True, nil, False); SecurityAttr.nLength := SizeOf(SecurityAttr); SecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor := @SecurityDesc; SecurityAttr.bInheritHandle := False; // The mutex is created in the global name space which makes it possible to // access across user sessions. MutexHandel := CreateMutex(@SecurityAttr, True, PChar(MUTEX_GLOBAL + MutexName)); ErrCode := GetLastError; // If the function fails, the return value is 0 // If the mutex is a named mutex and the object existed before this function // call, the return value is a handle to the existing object, GetLastError // returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. if {(MutexHandel = 0) or } (ErrCode = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then begin result := false; closeHandle(MutexHandel); end else begin // Mutex object has not yet been created, meaning that no previous // instance has been created. result := true; if not KeepMutex then CloseHandle(MutexHandel); end; // The Mutexhandle is not closed because we want it to exist during the // lifetime of the application. The system closes the handle automatically //when the process terminates. end; |