Продолжаем мультиязычные посты. Сегодня бинарный поиск. Все программы будут состоять из 2 частей – рандомное заполнение массивов с сортировкой. И вторая часть – собственно бинарный поиск.
Delphi (бинарный поиск)
Собственно реализация
Функции бинарного поиска Integer и String массивов. Массивы предварительно отсортированы
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function TfMain.BinarySearchInteger(ASomeArray: TArray<Integer>; AKey: integer): Integer; var i: Integer; LowIndex,HighIndex:integer; begin LowIndex:=0; HighIndex:=High(ASomeArray); i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; while LowIndex<=HighIndex do begin if ASomeArray[i]=Akey then Break; if ASomeArray[i]>Akey then HighIndex:=i-1 else if ASomeArray[i]<Akey then LowIndex:=i+1; i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; end; if LowIndex<=HighIndex then Result:=i else Result:=-1; end; function TfMain.BinarySearchString(ASomeArray: TArray<String>; AKey: String): Integer; var i: Integer; LowIndex,HighIndex:integer; begin LowIndex:=0; HighIndex:=High(ASomeArray); i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; while LowIndex<=HighIndex do begin if ASomeArray[i]=Akey then Break; if ASomeArray[i]>Akey then HighIndex:=i-1 else if ASomeArray[i]<Akey then LowIndex:=i+1; i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; end; if LowIndex<=HighIndex then Result:=i else Result:=-1; end; |
Все вместе
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unit uMain; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, system.generics.defaults,System.Generics.Collections; type TfMain = class(TForm) bBinarySearchInteger: TButton; bFillIntegerArray: TButton; Memo: TMemo; bFillStringArray: TButton; bBinarySearchString: TButton; procedure bBinarySearchIntegerClick(Sender: TObject); procedure bFillIntegerArrayClick(Sender: TObject); procedure bFillStringArrayClick(Sender: TObject); procedure bBinarySearchStringClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FSomeIntegerArray:TArray<integer>; FSomeStringArray:TArray<String>; procedure FilIntegerlArray; procedure FillStringArray; function GiveRandomWord(ALength:integer):String; function BinarySearchInteger(ASomeArray:TArray<Integer>;AKey:integer):Integer; function BinarySearchString(ASomeArray: TArray<String>; AKey: String): Integer; public { Public declarations } end; var fMain: TfMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TfMain } procedure TfMain.bBinarySearchIntegerClick(Sender: TObject); var IntegerToSearchString:String; begin if InputQuery('SomeCaption','',IntegerToSearchString) then ShowMessage( BinarySearchInteger(FSomeIntegerArray,IntegerToSearchString.ToInteger()).ToString ); end; procedure TfMain.bBinarySearchStringClick(Sender: TObject); var StringtoSearch: string; begin if InputQuery('SomeCaption','',StringtoSearch) then ShowMessage( BinarySearchString(FSomeStringArray,StringtoSearch).ToString ); end; procedure TfMain.bFillIntegerArrayClick(Sender: TObject); begin FilIntegerlArray; end; procedure TfMain.bFillStringArrayClick(Sender: TObject); begin FillStringArray; end; function TfMain.BinarySearchInteger(ASomeArray: TArray<Integer>; AKey: integer): Integer; var i: Integer; LowIndex,HighIndex:integer; begin LowIndex:=0; HighIndex:=High(ASomeArray); i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; while LowIndex<=HighIndex do begin if ASomeArray[i]=Akey then Break; if ASomeArray[i]>Akey then HighIndex:=i-1 else if ASomeArray[i]<Akey then LowIndex:=i+1; i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; end; if LowIndex<=HighIndex then Result:=i else Result:=-1; end; function TfMain.BinarySearchString(ASomeArray: TArray<String>; AKey: String): Integer; var i: Integer; LowIndex,HighIndex:integer; begin LowIndex:=0; HighIndex:=High(ASomeArray); i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; while LowIndex<=HighIndex do begin if ASomeArray[i]=Akey then Break; if ASomeArray[i]>Akey then HighIndex:=i-1 else if ASomeArray[i]<Akey then LowIndex:=i+1; i:=(LowIndex+HighIndex) div 2; end; if LowIndex<=HighIndex then Result:=i else Result:=-1; end; procedure TfMain.FilIntegerlArray; var i: Integer; begin setlength(FSomeIntegerArray,100); for i := 0 to 99 do begin FSomeIntegerArray[i]:=Random(1000); end; TArray.Sort<integer>(FSomeIntegerArray); Memo.Clear; for i := 0 to 99 do begin Memo.Lines.Add( FSomeIntegerArray[i].ToString ); end; end; function TfMain.GiveRandomWord(ALength:integer):String; var s:string; i:integer; begin for i:=1 to ALength do s:=s+Char(byte('A')+random(2)*32+random(26)); result:=s; end; procedure TfMain.FillStringArray; var i:integer; begin // setlength(FSomeStringArray,100); for i := 0 to 99 do begin FSomeStringArray[i]:=GiveRandomWord(20); end; TArray.Sort<String>(FSomeStringArray); Memo.Clear; for i := 0 to 99 do begin Memo.Lines.Add( FSomeStringArray[i]); end; end; end. |
С# (бинарный поиск)
Функция бинарного поиска отсортированного массива integer
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private int BinarySearch( int[] SomeIntArray, int Key ) { int LowIndex = 0; int HighIndex = (SomeIntArray.Length)-1; //HighIndex = Array.LastIndexOf(SomeIntArray);// HighIndex; int i=(LowIndex+HighIndex) / 2; while (LowIndex <= HighIndex) { if (SomeIntArray[i] == Key) break; if (SomeIntArray[i] > Key) { HighIndex=i-1; } else if (SomeIntArray[i] < Key) LowIndex=i+1; i = (LowIndex + HighIndex) / 2; } if ( LowIndex <= HighIndex ) { return i; } else return -1; } |
Полный код
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace BinarySearch { public partial class fBinarySearch : Form { public fBinarySearch() { InitializeComponent(); } int[] SomeRandomIntArray = new int[1000]; // initializing array private void FillRandomArrayAndSort() { // Random SomeRandomNumber = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 999; i++) { SomeRandomIntArray[i] = SomeRandomNumber.Next(0,999); }; Array.Sort(SomeRandomIntArray); } private void bRandomFillAndSort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // FillRandomArrayAndSort(); for (int i = 0; i <= SomeRandomIntArray.Length-1; i++) { richTextBox.AppendText("\n" + SomeRandomIntArray[i].ToString()); } } private int BinarySearch( int[] SomeIntArray, int Key ) { int LowIndex = 0; int HighIndex = (SomeIntArray.Length)-1; //HighIndex = Array.LastIndexOf(SomeIntArray);// HighIndex; int i=(LowIndex+HighIndex) / 2; while (LowIndex <= HighIndex) { if (SomeIntArray[i] == Key) break; if (SomeIntArray[i] > Key) { HighIndex=i-1; } else if (SomeIntArray[i] < Key) LowIndex=i+1; i = (LowIndex + HighIndex) / 2; } if ( LowIndex <= HighIndex ) { return i; } else return -1; } private void bBinarySearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Result = BinarySearch(SomeRandomIntArray, Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text)); MessageBox.Show(Result.ToString()); } } } |
PHP (бинарный поиск)
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function BinarySearch(array $RandomArray, $KeyWord ){ echo " This is function ".$KeyWord." "; $lowIndex=0; $highIndex=( count( (array)$RandomArray) ); $count=0; $i=floor( ($lowIndex+$highIndex)/2 ); // like div in Delphi while ($lowIndex<=$highIndex){ if ( $RandomArray[$i]==$KeyWord ) break; if ( $RandomArray[$i]>$KeyWord ) {$highIndex=$i-1;} else if ( $RandomArray[$i]<$KeyWord ) {$lowIndex=$i+1;} $i=floor( ($lowIndex+$highIndex)/2 ); // $count++; } // echo "Count=".$count; if ($lowIndex<=$highIndex){return $i;} else return -1; } |
Полный код
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<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: YellowFriend * Date: 24.01.2017 * Time: 15:38 */ //echo "hello, now we will count factorial"; ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); $SomeRandomArray=array(); // filling array for ($i=0;$i<=99;$i++){$SomeRandomArray[]=rand(0,99);} // sorting sort($SomeRandomArray); // show array on screen foreach($SomeRandomArray as $key=>$value) { echo $key."=".$value."<br>"; } $Result=BinarySearch($SomeRandomArray,"5"); echo "<br>Result=".$Result; function BinarySearch(array $RandomArray, $KeyWord ){ echo " This is function ".$KeyWord." "; $lowIndex=0; $highIndex=( count( (array)$RandomArray) ); $count=0; $i=floor( ($lowIndex+$highIndex)/2 ); // like div in Delphi while ($lowIndex<=$highIndex){ if ( $RandomArray[$i]==$KeyWord ) break; if ( $RandomArray[$i]>$KeyWord ) {$highIndex=$i-1;} else if ( $RandomArray[$i]<$KeyWord ) {$lowIndex=$i+1;} $i=floor( ($lowIndex+$highIndex)/2 ); // $count++; } // echo "Count=".$count; if ($lowIndex<=$highIndex){return $i;} else return -1; } |
JavaScript (BinarySearch)
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// BINARY SEARCH function BinarySearch (SomeArray,Key){ var LowIndex=0; var HighIndex=SomeArray.length; //document.writeln('<br>'+HighIndex); var i=Math.floor( (LowIndex + HighIndex) / 2); while (LowIndex<=HighIndex) { if (SomeArray[i]=Key) break; if (SomeArray[i]>Key){HighIndex=i-1} else if (SomeArray[i]<Key){LowIndex=i+1} i=Math.floor( (LowIndex+HighIndex)/2); } if (LowIndex<=HighIndex){return i} else return-1; } |
Весь код
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Hello from HTML</title> <script> //----------Creating array of random integers function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++){ var someValue=getRandomInt(0,99); arr.push(someValue); } //shuffle(arr); for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) document.writeln(arr[i]); // BINARY SEARCH function BinarySearch (SomeArray,Key){ var LowIndex=0; var HighIndex=SomeArray.length; //document.writeln('<br>'+HighIndex); var i=Math.floor( (LowIndex + HighIndex) / 2); while (LowIndex<=HighIndex) { if (SomeArray[i]=Key) break; if (SomeArray[i]>Key){HighIndex=i-1} else if (SomeArray[i]<Key){LowIndex=i+1} i=Math.floor( (LowIndex+HighIndex)/2); } if (LowIndex<=HighIndex){return i} else return-1; } var Result=BinarySearch(arr,'3'); alert(Result); </Script> </head> <body> </body> </html> |