Когда использовать?
- Когда необходимо ответить действием на действие, callback
- Когда нужно вести очередь действий с возможностью Undo / Redo
- Когда нужно последовательное логгирование
Про этот паттерн говорят следующее.
Client – посетитель кафе, Invoker – официантка, Command – листочек с заказом блюда, Receiver – повар
Реализуем данный пример
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program Command; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, uCommand in 'uCommand.pas'; var waiter: TWaiter; client: TClient; cook: TCook; cmd: TWaiterCommand; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } waiter := TWaiter.Create(); client := TClient.Create(waiter); cook := TCook.Create(); cmd := TWaiterCommand.Create(cook); try client.Waiter.SetCommand(cmd); client.Waiter.BringMeSomeFood(); client.Waiter.TakeAwayThisPieceOfShit(); finally waiter.Free(); client.Free(); cook.Free(); cmd.Free(); end; ReadLn; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. |
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unit uCommand; interface uses System.SysUtils; type // Команда TCommand = class public procedure Execute(); virtual; abstract; procedure UnExecute(); virtual; abstract; end; // Повар Receiver TCook = class public procedure CreateSomeFood(); procedure GetBackDislikedFood(); end; // Команда официантки, ConcreteComand TWaiterCommand = class(TCommand) private FCook: TCook; public constructor Create(aCook: TCook); procedure Execute(); override; procedure Unexecute(); override; end; // Официантка TWaiter = class FCommand: TCommand; public procedure SetCommand(aCmd: TCommand); procedure BringMeSomeFood(); procedure TakeAwayThisPieceOfShit(); end; TClient = class (TObject) private FWaiter: TWaiter; public constructor Create(aWaiter: TWaiter); property Waiter: TWaiter read FWaiter; end; implementation { TCook } procedure TCook.CreateSomeFood; begin Writeln('Cooking...'); end; procedure TCook.GetBackDislikedFood; begin Writeln('Hm... Someone disliked my food'); end; { TWaiterCommand } constructor TWaiterCommand.Create(aCook: TCook); begin if aCook <> nil then FCook := aCook; end; procedure TWaiterCommand.Execute; begin FCook.CreateSomeFood(); end; procedure TWaiterCommand.Unexecute; begin FCook.GetBackDislikedFood(); end; { TWaiter } procedure TWaiter.BringMeSomeFood; begin FCommand.Execute(); end; procedure TWaiter.TakeAwayThisPieceOfShit; begin FCommand.UnExecute(); end; procedure TWaiter.SetCommand(aCmd: TCommand); begin if aCmd <> nil then FCommand := aCmd; end; { TClient } constructor TClient.Create(aWaiter: TWaiter); begin if aWaiter <> nil then FWaiter := aWaiter; end; end. |
Использование Undo и Redo для данного примера. Заменим FCommand на FCommands: TList<TCommand>, немного перепишем, и получим следующее
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unit uCommand; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Generics.Collections; type // Команда TCommand = class public procedure Execute(); virtual; abstract; procedure UnExecute(); virtual; abstract; end; // Повар Receiver TCook = class public procedure CreateSomeFood(); procedure GetBackDislikedFood(); end; // Команда официантки, ConcreteComand TWaiterCommand = class(TCommand) private FCook: TCook; public constructor Create(aCook: TCook); procedure Execute(); override; procedure Unexecute(); override; end; // Официантка TWaiter = class FCommands: TList<TCommand>; FCurrentCommandIndex: integer; public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddCommand(aCmd: TCommand); procedure BringMeSomeFood(aCmdIndex: integer = -1); procedure TakeAwayThisPieceOfShit(aCmdIndex: integer = -1); procedure Undo(aDeepLevel: integer); procedure Redo(aDeepLevel: integer); property CurrentCommandIndex: integer read FCurrentCommandIndex; end; TClient = class(TObject) private FWaiter: TWaiter; public constructor Create(aWaiter: TWaiter); property Waiter: TWaiter read FWaiter; end; implementation { TCook } procedure TCook.CreateSomeFood; begin Writeln('Cooking...'); end; procedure TCook.GetBackDislikedFood; begin Writeln('Hm... Someone disliked my food'); end; { TWaiterCommand } constructor TWaiterCommand.Create(aCook: TCook); begin if aCook <> nil then FCook := aCook; end; procedure TWaiterCommand.Execute; begin FCook.CreateSomeFood(); end; procedure TWaiterCommand.Unexecute; begin FCook.GetBackDislikedFood(); end; { TWaiter } procedure TWaiter.BringMeSomeFood(aCmdIndex: integer); begin if aCmdIndex = -1 then aCmdIndex := FCommands.Count - 1; FCommands[aCmdIndex].Execute(); end; procedure TWaiter.TakeAwayThisPieceOfShit(aCmdIndex: integer); begin if aCmdIndex = -1 then aCmdIndex := FCommands.Count - 1; FCommands[aCmdIndex].UnExecute(); end; procedure TWaiter.Undo(aDeepLevel: integer); var i, index: Integer; begin index := FCurrentCommandIndex; for i := 0 to aDeepLevel - 1 do begin if index > 0 then begin FCommands[index].UnExecute(); Dec(index); end else break; end; end; constructor TWaiter.Create; begin FCommands := TList<TCommand>.Create(); end; destructor TWaiter.Destroy; begin FCommands.Free(); inherited; end; procedure TWaiter.Redo(aDeepLevel: integer); var i, index: Integer; begin index := FCurrentCommandIndex; for i := 0 to aDeepLevel - 1 do begin if index < FCommands.Count - 1 then begin FCommands[index].Execute(); Inc(index); end else break; end; end; procedure TWaiter.AddCommand(aCmd: TCommand); begin FCommands.Add(aCmd); FCurrentCommandIndex := FCommands.Count - 1; end; { TClient } constructor TClient.Create(aWaiter: TWaiter); begin if aWaiter <> nil then FWaiter := aWaiter; end; end. |