Как собрать все файлы из определенной директории и всех её поддиректорий?
Вариант 1
Соберем имена файлов, кроме папок из определенной директории на FTP сервере при помощи компонента idFTP
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//Recursive listing of files... procedure TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.ListAllFilesCore(dir:string); var DL: TStringList; i: Integer; begin DL:=TStringList.Create; try IdFTP.ChangeDir(Dir); IdFTP.List(DL, '', false); // <<<Listed all files and folders here... for i:=0 to DL.Count-1 do begin if IdFTP.Size(dl.Strings[i])=-1 then // If Folder then... ListAllFilesCore(dl.Strings[i]) //Recursion here... else FFilesOnServerAll.Add(DL.Strings[i]); end; IdFTP.ChangeDirUp; IdFTP.List(DL, '', false); // << Critical important !!! finally FreeAndNil(DL); end; end; |
И вторая процедура, которая собственно подключается к серверу и собирает файлы…
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//------------Список файлов с сервера всех директорий procedure TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.ListAllFiles; begin with idFTP do begin Host:=FTPConnectionParams.Host;// 'localhost'; //FTP-сервер Port:=FTPConnectionParams.Port;// 22; //порт ФТП сервера Username:=FTPConnectionParams.Username;// 'Логин'; Password:=FTPConnectionParams.Password;// 'Пароль'; end; try idFTP.Connect; try try if IdFTP.Connected then begin // MAIN WORK HERE... ListAllFilesCore(FInitialDir); end; finally idFTP.Disconnect; end; except //Other exceptions on E: EIdException do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An network error occurred during communication: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; on E: Exception do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An unknown error occurred during communication: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; end; except // Catching Connection Exceptions on E: EIdException do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An network error occurred while trying to connect: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); StatusBar.Panels[1].Text:='FTP Connection '+E.Message; end; on E: Exception do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+'An unknown error occurred while trying to connect: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; end; end; |
Вариант 2
Если кроме имен файлов нужны размеры, даты создания, модификации и др., тогда делаем следующее
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//Recursive listing of files... procedure TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.ListAllFilesCore(dir:string); var i: Integer; FileSizeString: string; FileSize:Int64; Link: string; M: TMatchCollection; j,k: integer; M2:TMatchCollection; RegEx:TRegEx; begin FUpperDir:=IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir; IdFTP.ChangeDir(Dir); pAddress.Hide; IdFTP.List; // Listing All Files Here... for i := 0 to IdFTP.DirectoryListing.Count-1 do begin //if (IdFTP.Size(IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName)=-1) // means Folder if (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].ItemType=ditDirectory) and (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName<>'.') and (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName<>'..') and not (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName.Contains('thumb')) then begin FDirs.Add(IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir+'/'+IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName); ListAllFilesCore(IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir+'/'+IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName); end else if (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].ItemType=ditFile) and (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName<>'.') and (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName<>'..') and not (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName.Contains('thumb')) then begin // Adding ID FIDFile.Add(i.ToString); //Adding FileName FFilesOnServerAll.Add(IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName); //Getting FileSize FileSizeString:=GetFileSizeOnFTPServer(IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName,FileSize); //Adding FileSizeString FFileSizeListStringAll.Add( FileSizeString ); //Adding FileSizeBytes FFileSizeListBytesAll.Add(FileSize.ToString); // Links FLinksListAll.Add(IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir+'/'+IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName); // FFullDir:=FInitialDir+'/'+dir; // Add CreationDateTimeOnServerAll M:=RegEx.Matches(IdFTP.ListResult[i],'create=[\d]*[\d]\b'); for j := 0 to M.Count-1 do begin M2:=RegEx.Matches(M.Item[j].Value,'[\d]*[\d]\b'); for k := 0 to M2.Count-1 do begin FCreationDateTimeOnServerAll.Add( IndyStringToLocalizeDateTimeString( M2.Item[j].Value ) ); end; end; // Add ModifiedDateTimeOnServer... M:=RegEx.Matches(IdFTP.ListResult[i],'modify=[\d]*[\d]\b'); for j := 0 to M.Count-1 do begin M2:=RegEx.Matches(M.Item[j].Value,'[\d]*[\d]\b'); for k := 0 to M2.Count-1 do begin FModifiedDateTimeOnServerAll.Add( IndyStringToLocalizeDateTimeString( M2.Item[j].Value ) ); end; end; // Add LastAccessTime M:=RegEx.Matches(IdFTP.ListResult[i],'lastaccesstime=[\d]*[\d]\b'); for j := 0 to M.Count-1 do begin M2:=RegEx.Matches(M.Item[j].Value,'[\d]*[\d]\b'); for k := 0 to M2.Count-1 do begin FlastAccessTimeAll.Add( IndyStringToLocalizeDateTimeString( M2.Item[j].Value ) ); end; end; end; end; // for... IdFTP.ChangeDirUp; IdFTP.List; // <<< Critical Important !!! end; |
И собственно процедура, связывающая нас с сервером
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//------------Список файлов с сервера всех директорий procedure TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.ListAllFiles; begin with idFTP do begin Host:=FTPConnectionParams.Host;// 'localhost'; //FTP-сервер Port:=FTPConnectionParams.Port;// 22; //порт ФТП сервера Username:=FTPConnectionParams.Username;// 'Логин'; Password:=FTPConnectionParams.Password;// 'Пароль'; end; try idFTP.Connect; try try if IdFTP.Connected then begin // MAIN WORK HERE... //ClearingStringLists... FIDFile.Clear; FFilesOnServerAll.Clear; FFileSizeListStringAll.Clear; FFileSizeListBytesAll.Clear; FLinksListAll.Clear; FCreationDateTimeOnServerAll.Clear; FModifiedDateTimeOnServerAll.Clear; FlastAccessTimeAll.Clear; ListAllFilesCore(FInitialDir); end; finally idFTP.Disconnect; end; except //Other exceptions on E: EIdException do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An network error occurred during communication: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; on E: Exception do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An unknown error occurred during communication: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; end; except // Catching Connection Exceptions on E: EIdException do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+' An network error occurred while trying to connect: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); StatusBar.Panels[1].Text:='FTP Connection '+E.Message; end; on E: Exception do begin showmessage(E.ClassName+'An unknown error occurred while trying to connect: ' +#13#10+#13#10+E.Message); end; end; end; |
В результате, в стринглистах получим интересующую нас информацию.
Также понадобилась самописная функция по преобразованию строки Indy даты и времени, в “нормальную”
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function TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.IndyStringToLocalizeDateTimeString(IndyString:string):string; var FFileTimeLocalized:TFileTime; FFileTime:TFileTime; SystemTimeLocalized:TSystemtime; SystemTime:TSystemtime; datetime: TDateTime; begin //if IndyString='' then begin // Result:=''; Exit; //end; //IndyString:='20160912210450'; // <<Example datetime := EncodeDateTime(StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 1, 4)), StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 5, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 7, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 9, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 11, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(IndyString, 13, 2)), 0); DateTimeToSystemTime(datetime,SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(SystemTime,FFileTime); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FFileTime,FFileTimeLocalized); FileTimeToSystemTime(FFileTimeLocalized,SystemTimeLocalized); //Localized DateTime Result:= DateTimeToStr(SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTimeLocalized)); { ShowMessage( 'GMT Localized '+ DateTimeToStr( SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTimeLocalized)) ); ShowMessage( 'GMT 0 (Not Localized) '+ DateTimeToStr(datetime) ); } end; |
Как собрать только директорию и её поддиректории?
По аналогии с файлами, только меняем условие…
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procedure TVisualFrame_PSFTPClient.ListDirAndAllSubDirs(dir:string); // will list all dirs to FDirs:TStringList var DL: TStringList; i: Integer; FileSizeString: string; FileSize:Int64; CurrentFileList: TStringList; M: TMatchCollection; j,k: integer; M2:TMatchCollection; RegEx:TRegEx; begin DL:=TStringList.Create; CurrentFileList:=TStringList.Create; try IdFTP.ChangeDir(Dir); IdFTP.List(DL, '', false); // <<<Listed all files and folders here... for i := 0 to IdFTP.DirectoryListing.Count-1 do CurrentFileList.Add(IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName); for i:=0 to DL.Count-1 do begin if (IdFTP.Size(dl.Strings[i])=-1) // If Folder then... and not (IdFTP.DirectoryListing[i].FileName.Contains('thumb')) then begin FDirs.Add(IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir+'/'+dl.Strings[i]); ListAllFilesCore2(dl.Strings[i]) //Recursion here... end; end; IdFTP.ChangeDirUp; IdFTP.List(DL, '', false); // << Critical!!! I Spent 5 hours to understand this... finally FreeAndNil(CurrentFileList); FreeAndNil(DL); end; end; |