Рассмотрим такой граф
Представление в текстовом файле будет таким
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8 16 4 5 0,35 4 7 0,37 5 7 0,28 0 7 0,16 1 5 0,32 0 4 0,38 2 3 0,17 1 7 0,19 0 2 0,26 1 2 0,36 1 3 0,29 2 7 0,34 6 2 0,40 3 6 0,52 6 0 0,58 6 4 0,93 |
Напишем вспомогательный класс Edge
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace WGraph { class Edge :IComparable<Edge> { private int v; private int w; private double weight; /** * Initializes an edge between vertices {@code v} and {@code w} of * the given {@code weight}. * * @param v one vertex * @param w the other vertex * @param weight the weight of this edge * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code v} or {@code w} * is a negative integer * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code weight} is {@code NaN} */ public Edge(int v, int w, double weight) { if ((v < 0) || (w < 0)) throw new ArgumentException("vertex index must be a nonnegative integer"); if (Double.IsNaN(weight)) throw new ArgumentException("Weight is NaN"); this.v = v; this.w = w; this.weight = weight; } /** * Returns the weight of this edge. * * @return the weight of this edge */ public double GetWeight() { return weight; } /** * Returns either endpoint of this edge. * * @return either endpoint of this edge */ public int Either() { return v; } /** * Returns the endpoint of this edge that is different from the given vertex. * * @param vertex one endpoint of this edge * @return the other endpoint of this edge * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the vertex is not one of the * endpoints of this edge */ public int Other(int vertex) { if (vertex == v) return w; if (vertex == w) return v; else throw new ArgumentException("Illegal endpoint"); } /** * Compares two edges by weight. * Note that {@code compareTo()} is not consistent with {@code equals()}, * which uses the reference equality implementation inherited from {@code Object}. * * @param that the other edge * @return a negative integer, zero, or positive integer depending on whether * the weight of this is less than, equal to, or greater than the * argument edge */ public int CompareTo(Edge that) { if (this.GetWeight() < that.GetWeight()) return -1; if (this.GetWeight() > that.GetWeight()) return 1; else return 0; } // to string public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0}-{1},weight {2}",v,w,weight); } } } |
Теперь напишем класс, здесь вместо смежных вершин в списках смежности будем использовать ребра.
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace WGraph { class EdgeWeightedGraph { private int V; private int E; private Bag<Edge>[] adj; // -- init empty Graph public EdgeWeightedGraph(int V) { if (V < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Number of vertices must be nonnegative"); this.V = V; this.E = 0; adj = new Bag<Edge>[V]; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { adj[v] = new Bag<Edge>(); } } // -- init Random Graph public EdgeWeightedGraph(int V, int E) { if ((V < 0) || (E < 0)) throw new ArgumentException("must be non-negative"); Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = r.Next(0, V); int w = r.Next(0, V); double weight = r.NextDouble(); Edge e = new Edge(v, w, weight); AddEdge(e); } } // -- init Graph from file public EdgeWeightedGraph(string filepath) { try { if (!File.Exists(filepath)) { throw new Exception("no file with such filepath"); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filepath)) { int i = 0; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { // reading number of verticles if (i == 0) { V = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); adj = new Bag<Edge>[V]; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { adj[v] = new Bag<Edge>(); } i++; } // reading number of edges else if (i == 1) { E = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); if (E < 0) throw new ArgumentException("number of edges in a Graph must be nonnegative"); i++; } else { string s = sr.ReadLine(); Char delimiter = ' '; String[] substrings = s.Split(delimiter); int v = Convert.ToInt32(substrings[0]); int w = Convert.ToInt32(substrings[1]); double weight = Convert.ToDouble(substrings[2]); ValidateVertex(v); ValidateVertex(w); Edge e = new Edge(v, w, weight); AddEdge(e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); }; } // -- add edge public void AddEdge(Edge e) { int v = e.Either(); int w = e.Other(v); ValidateVertex(v); ValidateVertex(w); adj[v].Push(e); adj[w].Push(e); E++; } //-- validate Vertex private void ValidateVertex(int v) { if ((v < 0) || (v >= V)) throw new ArgumentException("vertex " + v + " is not between 0 and " + (V - 1)); } // public int GetVertices() { return V; } public int GetEdges() { return E; } /** * Returns the edges incident on vertex {@code v}. * * @param v the vertex * @return the edges incident on vertex {@code v} as an Iterable * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code 0 <= v < V} */ public IEnumerable<Edge> GetAdj(int v) { ValidateVertex(v); return adj[v]; } public int GetDegree(int v) { ValidateVertex(v); return adj[v].Size(); } /** * Returns all edges in this edge-weighted graph. * To iterate over the edges in this edge-weighted graph, use foreach notation: * {@code for (Edge e : G.edges())}. * * @return all edges in this edge-weighted graph, as an iterable */ public IEnumerable<Edge> GetAllEdges() { Bag<Edge> list = new Bag<Edge>(); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { int selfLoops = 0; foreach (Edge e in GetAdj(v)) { if (e.Other(v) > v) { list.Push(e); } // add only one copy of each self loop (self loops will be consecutive) else if (e.Other(v) == v) { if (selfLoops % 2 == 0) list.Push(e); selfLoops++; } } } return list; } /** * Returns a string representation of the edge-weighted graph. * This method takes time proportional to <em>E</em> + <em>V</em>. * * @return the number of vertices <em>V</em>, followed by the number of edges <em>E</em>, * followed by the <em>V</em> adjacency lists of edges */ public override string ToString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append("Verticles: "+ V + " " + "Edges: "+ E/2 + "\n"); // E%2 because each edge twice in verticle for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { s.Append(v + ": "); foreach (Edge e in adj[v]) { s.Append(e + " "); } s.Append("\n"); } return s.ToString(); } } } |
Протестируем API вышенаписанного класса в консоли
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace WGraph { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { EdgeWeightedGraph G = new EdgeWeightedGraph("tinyEWG.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Test Api"); Console.WriteLine("Number of Vertices: "+G.GetVertices()); Console.WriteLine("Number of Edges: " + G.GetVertices()); Console.WriteLine("Edges " + G.GetVertices()); Console.WriteLine("Adjacaent edges to 0"); Stack<Edge> adjEdges = new Stack<Edge>(G.GetAdj(0)); foreach(Edge e in adjEdges) { int v = e.Either(); int w = e.Other(v); Console.WriteLine(v+"-"+w); } Console.WriteLine("All edges"); Stack<Edge> allEdges = new Stack<Edge>(G.GetAllEdges()); foreach (Edge e in allEdges) { int v = e.Either(); int w = e.Other(v); Console.WriteLine(v + "-" + w); } Console.WriteLine("Comparing Edges by weight"); Stack<Edge> edges = new Stack<Edge>(G.GetAdj(0)); Edge e1 = edges.Pop(); Edge e2 = edges.Pop(); if (e1.CompareTo(e2) == -1) Console.WriteLine("e1<e2"); else Console.WriteLine("e1>e2"); Console.WriteLine("Weight of e1 == "+e1.GetWeight()); Console.WriteLine("Weight of e2 == " + e2.GetWeight()); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("String Representation of Graph"); Console.WriteLine(G.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } } } |
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