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CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `isCorrect_ManyCorrectAnswers`(aEid integer,aTid integer, aUid integer, aQid integer) RETURNS tinyint(1) BEGIN declare r tinyint(1) default(0); declare answersID integer; Declare done tinyint(1) default(0); # is correct if all answers correct # isCorrect if at least one answer correct declare isCorrectIfAllAnswersCorrect tinyint(1); SELECT isCorrectIfAllAnswersCorrect FROM coffeetest_db.testquestions WHERE id = aQid INTO isCorrectIfAllAnswersCorrect; if isCorrectIfAllAnswersCorrect then begin # check if all answers correct DECLARE answersCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT iftable.testAnswers_id as respondentAnswer FROM coffeetest_db.answersonquestions aq, testQuestions tq, ifoneormanycorrectanswers iftable where and and aq.events_id=aEid and aq.users_id=aUid and aq.tests_id=aTid and aq.testQuestions_id=aQid; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = true; set r=1; # assume all variants where checked correct Open answersCursor; whileLoop:while done=false do fetch answersCursor into answersId; # do something if isAnswerCorrect(aQid,answersId)=0 then begin set r=0; leave whileLoop; end; end if; end while; Close answersCursor; end; else begin # check if at least one answer correct DECLARE answersCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT iftable.testAnswers_id as respondentAnswer FROM coffeetest_db.answersonquestions aq, testQuestions tq, ifoneormanycorrectanswers iftable where and and aq.events_id=aEid and aq.users_id=aUid and aq.tests_id=aTid and aq.testQuestions_id=aQid; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = true; Open answersCursor; whileLoop:while done=false do fetch answersCursor into answersId; # do something if isAnswerCorrect(aQid,answersId)=1 then begin set r=1; leave whileLoop; end; end if; end while; Close answersCursor; end; end if; RETURN r; END |