Доработал обработку POST запросов для следующих MIME типов
- application/json
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- multipart/form-data
Теперь сервер умеет работать с json, принимать файлы, пока ещё не оч. большие (poststream блоками читается в строку = оперативную память), поэтому по-хорошему, размер файлов надо ограничить, ну и одновременную закачку файлов тоже, чтобы не подвесить память. Конечно же, стандартный form-url-encoded поддерживается, хотя если в multipart не указывать файл, просто параметры тоже прочитаются с декодированием из urlEncoded
Ну и в качестве бонуса научил сервер отправлять письма. Управлением памятью теперь почти везде занимается класс ISP<>, который находится в модуле uCommon.
Модуль декодирования POST запроса похудел и выглядит следующим образом
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unit uDecodePostRequest; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdCustomTCPServer, IdCustomHTTPServer, IdHTTPServer, Vcl.StdCtrls, HTTPApp, IdMultipartFormData, IdContext, System.IOUtils, System.NetEncoding, superobject, Contnrs, uCommon, System.Generics.Collections, DateUtils, uUniqueName; type TPostParam = record Name: string; Value: string; end; type TDecodePostRequest = class private FRelWebFileDir: string; FPostParams: ISP<TList<TPostParam>>; FJson: string; //procedure ParseJson(const aAsObject: TSuperTableString); // uncomment if needed function ReadMultipartRequest(const aBoundary: string; aRequest: string; aHeader: ISP<TStringList>; var aData: string): string; procedure SetRelWebFileDir(const Value: string); public constructor Create(); procedure Multipart(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); procedure FormURLEncoded(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); procedure Execute(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); property RelWebFileDir: string read FRelWebFileDir write SetRelWebFileDir; property PostParams: ISP<TList<TPostParam>> read FPostParams; property Json: string read FJson; end; const MaxReadBlockSize = 8192; implementation uses System.StrUtils; procedure TDecodePostRequest.Execute(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); var ss: ISP<TStringStream>; begin AResponseInfo.Server := 'ver1'; AResponseInfo.CacheControl := 'no-cache'; if (Pos('multipart/form-data', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) and // далее идёт обработка multipart (Pos('boundary', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) then Multipart(AContext, ARequestInfo, AResponseInfo) else if (Pos('application/x-www-form-urlencoded', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) then FormURLEncoded(AContext, ARequestInfo, AResponseInfo) else if (Pos('application/json', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) then begin ss := TSP<TStringStream>.Create(); ss.LoadFromStream(ARequestInfo.PostStream); FJson := ss.DataString; // parse json... if needed or parse in other place //obj := SO(TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(allContent)); //ParseJson(obj.AsObject, aPostParams); end; end; procedure TDecodePostRequest.FormURLEncoded(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); var postParam: TPostParam; i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ARequestInfo.Params.Count - 1 do begin postParam.Name := System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(ARequestInfo.Params.Names[i]); postParam.Value := System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(ARequestInfo.Params.Values[ARequestInfo.Params.Names[i]]); FPostParams.Add(postParam); end; end; { procedure TDecodePostRequest.ParseJson(const aAsObject: TSuperTableString); //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14082886/superobject-extract-all var Names: ISuperObject; Name: string; Items: ISuperObject; Item: ISuperObject; idx: Integer; Value: string; begin if Assigned(aAsObject) then begin Names := aAsObject.GetNames; Items := aAsObject.GetValues; for idx := 0 to Items.AsArray.Length - 1 do begin Name := Names.AsArray[idx].AsString; Item := Items.AsArray[idx]; if Item.DataType = stObject then Value := '<Object>' else if Item.DataType = stArray then Value := '<Array>' else Value := Item.AsString; // do smth with json //postParams.Add(Name + '=' + Value); // postParams.json := Value; // returning only json object //if SameText(Name, 'id') then // WriteLn(Format('%s: %s', [aPrefix + Name, Value])); // if Item.DataType = stArray then // for ArrayItem in Item do // ProcessObject(ArrayItem.AsObject, aPrefix + Name + '.'); // if Item.DataType = stObject then // ProcessObject(Item.AsObject, aPrefix + Name + '.'); end; end; end; } //------------------------------------------------- function TDecodePostRequest.ReadMultipartRequest(const aBoundary: string; aRequest: string; aHeader: ISP<TStringList>; var aData: string): string; var Req, RHead: string; i: Integer; begin Result := ''; aHeader.Clear; aData := ''; if (Pos(aBoundary, aRequest) < Pos(aBoundary + '--', aRequest)) and (Pos(aBoundary, aRequest) = 1) then begin Delete(aRequest, 1, Length(aBoundary) + 2); Req := Copy(aRequest, 1, Pos(aBoundary, aRequest) - 3); Delete(aRequest, 1, Length(Req) + 2); RHead := Copy(Req, 1, Pos(#13#10#13#10, Req) - 1); Delete(Req, 1, Length(RHead) + 4); aHeader.Text := RHead; for i := 0 to aHeader.Count - 1 do if Pos(':', aHeader.Strings[i]) > 0 then aHeader.Strings[i] := Trim(Copy(aHeader.Strings[i], 1, Pos(':', aHeader.Strings[i]) - 1)) + '=' + Trim(Copy(aHeader.Strings[i], Pos(':', aHeader.Strings[i]) + 1, Length(aHeader.Strings[i]) - Pos(':', aHeader.Strings[i]))); aData := Req; Result := aRequest; end end; procedure TDecodePostRequest.SetRelWebFileDir(const Value: string); begin FRelWebFileDir := Value; end; procedure TDecodePostRequest.Multipart(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); function ValueByName(aName: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to FPostParams.Count - 1 do if FPostParams[i].Name = aName then begin result := FPostParams[i].Value; Break; end; end; function GetPostParam(aParamName: string): string; var value: string; begin value := ValueByName(aParamName); Result := IfThen(aParamName <> '', value, ''); end; const MaxReadBlockSize = 8192; var ms: ISP<TMemoryStream>; fs: ISP<TFileStream>; boundary, bufferStr, allContent: string; header: ISP<TStringList>; byteToRead, readedBytes, rSize: Integer; buffer: PAnsiChar; data: string; hList: ISP<TStringList>; filename: string; dir: string; isOverwrite: string; postParam: TPostParam; uploadDir: string; un: ISP<TUniqueName>; procedure ProcessUploadDir(); begin uploadDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + // YearOf(Now).ToString() + '\' + // MonthOf(Now).ToString() + '\' + // DayOf(Now).ToString(); // if (not TDirectory.Exists(uploadDir)) then TDirectory.CreateDirectory(uploadDir); end; begin AResponseInfo.Server := 'ver1'; AResponseInfo.CacheControl := 'no-cache'; // if (Pos('multipart/form-data', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) and if (Pos('boundary', LowerCase(ARequestInfo.ContentType)) > 0) then begin header := TSP<TStringList>.Create(); ExtractHeaderFields([';'], [' '], PChar(ARequestInfo.ContentType), header, False, False); boundary := header.Values['boundary']; // reading from postStream to allContent ms := TSP<TMemoryStream>.Create(); ms.LoadFromStream(ARequestInfo.PostStream); allContent := ''; byteToRead := ARequestInfo.ContentLength; while byteToRead > 0 do begin rSize := MaxReadBlockSize; if rSize > byteToRead then rSize := byteToRead; GetMem(buffer, rSize); try readedBytes := ms.Read(buffer^, rSize); SetString(bufferStr, buffer, readedBytes); allContent := allContent + bufferStr; finally FreeMem(buffer, rSize); end; byteToRead := ARequestInfo.ContentLength - Length(allContent); end; // reading post blocks (params) from allContent to FPostParams hList := TSP<TStringList>.Create(); if ARequestInfo.ContentLength = Length(allContent) then while Length(allContent) > Length('--' + boundary + '--' + #13#10) do begin header.Clear(); hList.Clear(); allContent := ReadMultipartRequest('--' + boundary, allContent, header, data); ExtractHeaderFields([';'], [' '], PChar(header.Values['Content-Disposition']), hList, False, True); postParam.Name := System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(hList.Values['name']); postParam.Value := System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Decode(data); FPostParams.Add(postParam); end; // reading params filename := GetPostParam('filename'); dir := GetPostParam('dir'); isOverwrite := GetPostParam('isOverwrite'); data := GetPostParam('attach'); // writing file if (filename <> '') and (data <> '') then begin ProcessUploadDir(); if isOverwrite <> 'true' then begin un := TSP<TUniqueName>.Create(); filename := un.CreateUniqueNameAddingNumber(uploadDir, filename); end; fs := TSP<TFileStream>.Create(TFileStream.Create(uploadDir + '\' + filename, fmCreate)); try fs.WriteBuffer(Pointer(data)^, Length(data)); except on E: EStreamError do raise Exception.Create('EStreamError EClassName' + E.ClassName + ' ' + 'EMessage ' + E.Message); on E: Exception do raise Exception.Create('EClassName' + E.ClassName + ' ' + 'EMessage ' + E.Message); end; end; end; end; constructor TDecodePostRequest.Create(); begin FPostParams := TSP<TList<TPostParam>>.Create(); ; end; { TPostParams } end. |
Примеры отправки с клиента выглядят так
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procedure TClientExamples.PostJson; var client: ISP<TIdHTTP>; jo:ISuperobject; ss: ISP<TStringStream>; r: string; begin jo := SO; jo.S['param1'] := '1234'; jo.S['param2'] := '12345'; client := TSP<TIdHTTP>.Create(); ss := TSP<TStringStream>.Create(); ss.WriteString(jo.AsJSon(false, false)); client.Request.ContentType := 'application/json'; client.Request.ContentEncoding := 'utf-8'; r := client.Post('http://localhost:' + FPort + '/' + FRequest, ss); // Main.mAnswer.Lines.Add(r); end; |
Для multipart ( этот MIME тип создан для отправки файлов, ну и параметры, конечно тоже он читает, я их раскодирую из URLEncoded на всякий случай )
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procedure TClientExamples.PostSendFile(aAbsWinFilePath: string); var client: ISP<TIdHTTP>; ss: ISP<TStringStream>; postData: ISP<TIdMultiPartFormDataStream>; fileName: string; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; begin fileName := ExtractFileName(aAbsWinFilePath); Assert(fileName <> '', 'filename is empty'); client := TSP<TIdHTTP>.Create(); ss := TSP<TStringStream>.Create(); postData := TSP<TIdMultiPartFormDataStream>.Create(); client.Request.Referer := 'http://localhost:' + FPort + '/Files/Send'; client.Request.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data'; client.Request.RawHeaders.AddValue('AuthToken', System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode('evjTI82N')); postData.AddFormField('filename', System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(fileName)); postData.AddFormField('dir', System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode('files')); postData.AddFormField('isOverwrite', System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode('false')); postData.AddFile('attach', aAbsWinFilePath, 'application/x-rar-compressed'); client.POST('http://localhost:' + FPort + '/Files/Send', postData, ss); // Main.mAnswer.Lines.Add(ss.DataString); end; |
Для FormURLEncoded
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procedure TClientExamples.PostFormURLEncoded(); var client: ISP<TIdHTTP>; sl: ISP<TStringList>; r: string; begin client := TSP<TIdHTTP>.Create(); sl := TSP<TStringList>.Create(); sl.Add('param1='+System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode('РусскийПараметр1')); sl.Add('param2='+System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.URL.Encode('РусскийПараметр2')); client.Request.Referer := 'http://localhost:' + FPort + '/Test/URLEncoded'; client.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; client.Request.RawHeaders.AddValue('AuthToken', 'evjTI82N'); r := client.POST('http://localhost:' + FPort + '/Test/URLEncoded', sl); Main.mAnswer.Lines.Add(r); end; |